Purpose and details of the course with Connie sharing how she became aware of The Dance of Souls through her own personal experiences, with a meditation, and self-reflection journaling exercise.
1-1 Course Intro and Connie’s Dance of Souls
I’m Connie Baxter Marlow and I will guide you through this profoundly transformational course which involves serious inner work: the work we came on this planet to do – become Beloved through understanding the conscious, loving nature of the universe and our place in it.
Meditation – Awareness
A conscious person perceives his or her inner and outer environment, on a level corresponding to his or her degree of awake-ness. Pure awareness is the superconscious unconditioned state that is the goal of meditation, Nirvana. The meditator is simultaneously aware of everything and of nothing, dissolved into the All-That-Is.
1-2 Journaling and Reflection
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What has your journey been so far? Please journal about your life’s journey as you see it. What have been your triumphs? Your challenges? What desires and experiences have led you to this course? What are the stories you tell about yourself and others in your life? Are there two of you?
Exercise – Journaling and Reflection PDF