The Aspen Model

The Aspen Model is an outgrowth of the ideas presented at
two public forums on education and a round-table discussion
by twenty-five leaders of the Aspen, Colorado community held
in the fall and spring of 1993-1994. The ideas presented by two
Native American elders, a psychologist, a doctor, a lawyer, an
international educator, ten public school teachers, a city council
member, five community members, a school board member,
four parents, a public school superintendent, two private school
directors, a college student and a kindergarten child are
represented in this model that forms a basis from which new
systems that will meet the needs of a changing society may

Downloadable PDF of The Aspen Model and supporting documents

America is a country in crisis.
Only a profound shift in how we treat each other, birth through
adulthood, can lift us out of the malaise that has permeated all
levels of our society and open the door for inspiration and
trust to replace the fear and despair that now has us in its
The Aspen Model brings the millennia-old ideas of the Native
Americans together with the vision of Aspen community
members, educators, parents and children a lays a foundation
upon which we can all build
A New Future

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Better Cogs in the Wheel or Free Thinkers?
A Call to Arms
Introduction to Native American Forum
Synopsis of Presentations Let’s Talk Forums